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Каталожный номер: TXN 133 48.01
C-HC-0201F-E is a module connected to the CIB Common Instalation Bus ® designed for proportional control of radiator central heating valves with M30x1.5 fittings. It has integrated 2 universal inputs 2x AI / DI.
Розничная цена
301 EUR с НДС 29982 с НДС
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Каталожный номер: TXN 133 88.02
C-AQ-0006R-xxx are room sensors for indoor air quality measurement. They detect - carbon dioxide CO2, - relative humidity RH, - volatile organic compounds iVOC - air temperature T. Built-in autocalibration functions of the sensors guarantee long-term measurement stability. It is connected via the CIB - Common Installation Bus®.
Розничная цена
902 EUR с НДС 89844 с НДС
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Каталожный номер: TXN 133 87
C-IF-6400R is a matrix of 8 x 8 temperature sensors (64 pixels) on the CIB bus - Common Instalation Bus®. Sensor Grid-EYE is based on MEMS technology. Each pixel, independently of the others, transmits the temperature value directly in engineering units. The range of measured temperatures is from 0 to 80 ° C. Thanks to the silicon lens, it is possible to actively monitor the angle of 60 °. Fast measurement and transfer (1x or 10x per second) of all values to the basic Foxtrot module allows...
Розничная цена
387 EUR с НДС 38548 с НДС
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