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Каталожный номер: C-WS-0601R-TG-0D
C-WS-0601R-TG-0D; CIB, Touch touch glass, 6 buttons, temperature and humidity sensor, 2xAI / DI, 1xDO, without display
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Каталожный номер: C-WS-1202R-TG-0D
C-WS-1202R-TG-0D; CIB, Touch control glass, 12 buttons, temperature and humidity sensor, 4xAI / DI, 2xDO, without display
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Каталожный номер: C-WS-1803R-TG-0D
C-WS-1803R-TG-0D; CIB, Touch control glass, 18 buttons, temperature and humidity sensor, 6xAI / DI, 3xDO, without display
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Каталожный номер: C-WS-2404R-TG-0D
C-WS-2404R-TG-0D; CIB, Touch control glass, 24 buttons, temperature and humidity sensor, 8xAI / DI, 4xDO, without display When placing an order, it is necessary to specify the individual configuration of icons and background using the configurator: https://touchatglass.com/konfigurator.html
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