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Каталожный номер: 10gbase-er
10GBASE-ER, XENPAK Module, 1550nm Wavelength, up to 40km reach, Single-mode Fiber (SMF), SC Connector

Розничная цена
2000 $ с НДС 190750 с НДС
array(31) { ["id"]=> string(6) "105042" ["product_id"]=> string(6) "168610" ["id_1c"]=> NULL ["sku"]=> string(10) "10gbase-er" ["sort"]=> string(1) "1" ["name"]=> string(0) "" ["image_id"]=> NULL ["price"]=> float(190750) ["primary_price"]=> string(12) "2000.0103928" ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) ["compare_price"]=> float(0) ["count"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["available"]=> string(1) "1" ["stock_base_ratio"]=> NULL ["order_count_min"]=> NULL ["order_count_step"]=> NULL ["status"]=> string(1) "1" ["dimension_id"]=> NULL ["file_name"]=> string(0) "" ["file_size"]=> string(1) "0" ["file_description"]=> NULL ["virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["ymleasyimport_price_id"]=> NULL ["id_xmlimport"]=> NULL ["stock"]=> array(2) { [1]=> string(5) "0.000" [3]=> string(5) "0.000" } ["unconverted_currency"]=> string(3) "USD" ["currency"]=> string(3) "RUB" ["frontend_price"]=> float(190750) ["unconverted_price"]=> float(2000) ["frontend_compare_price"]=> float(0) ["unconverted_compare_price"]=> float(0) }
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Каталожный номер: 10gbase-lr
10GBASE-LR, XENPAK Module, 1310nm Wavelength, up to 10km reach, Single-mode Fiber (SMF), SC Connector

Розничная цена
2000 $ с НДС 190750 с НДС
array(31) { ["id"]=> string(6) "105044" ["product_id"]=> string(6) "168612" ["id_1c"]=> NULL ["sku"]=> string(10) "10gbase-lr" ["sort"]=> string(1) "1" ["name"]=> string(0) "" ["image_id"]=> NULL ["price"]=> float(190750) ["primary_price"]=> string(12) "2000.0103928" ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) ["compare_price"]=> float(0) ["count"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["available"]=> string(1) "1" ["stock_base_ratio"]=> NULL ["order_count_min"]=> NULL ["order_count_step"]=> NULL ["status"]=> string(1) "1" ["dimension_id"]=> NULL ["file_name"]=> string(0) "" ["file_size"]=> string(1) "0" ["file_description"]=> NULL ["virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["ymleasyimport_price_id"]=> NULL ["id_xmlimport"]=> NULL ["stock"]=> array(2) { [1]=> string(5) "0.000" [3]=> string(5) "0.000" } ["unconverted_currency"]=> string(3) "USD" ["currency"]=> string(3) "RUB" ["frontend_price"]=> float(190750) ["unconverted_price"]=> float(2000) ["frontend_compare_price"]=> float(0) ["unconverted_compare_price"]=> float(0) }
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Каталожный номер: 10gbase-sr
10GBASE-SR, 850nm Wavelength, up to 300 meter reach, Multi-mode Fiber (MMF), SC Connector, XENPAK Module

Розничная цена
2000 $ с НДС 190750 с НДС
array(31) { ["id"]=> string(6) "105046" ["product_id"]=> string(6) "168614" ["id_1c"]=> NULL ["sku"]=> string(10) "10gbase-sr" ["sort"]=> string(1) "1" ["name"]=> string(0) "" ["image_id"]=> NULL ["price"]=> float(190750) ["primary_price"]=> string(12) "2000.0103928" ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) ["compare_price"]=> float(0) ["count"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["available"]=> string(1) "1" ["stock_base_ratio"]=> NULL ["order_count_min"]=> NULL ["order_count_step"]=> NULL ["status"]=> string(1) "1" ["dimension_id"]=> NULL ["file_name"]=> string(0) "" ["file_size"]=> string(1) "0" ["file_description"]=> NULL ["virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["ymleasyimport_price_id"]=> NULL ["id_xmlimport"]=> NULL ["stock"]=> array(2) { [1]=> string(5) "0.000" [3]=> string(5) "0.000" } ["unconverted_currency"]=> string(3) "USD" ["currency"]=> string(3) "RUB" ["frontend_price"]=> float(190750) ["unconverted_price"]=> float(2000) ["frontend_compare_price"]=> float(0) ["unconverted_compare_price"]=> float(0) }
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Каталожный номер: sf_10gbase-er
10GBASE-ER, XENPAK Module, 1550nm Wavelength, up to 40km reach, Single-mode Fiber (SMF), SC Connector

Розничная цена
1200 $ с НДС 114450 с НДС
array(31) { ["id"]=> string(6) "105043" ["product_id"]=> string(6) "168611" ["id_1c"]=> NULL ["sku"]=> string(13) "sf_10gbase-er" ["sort"]=> string(1) "1" ["name"]=> string(0) "" ["image_id"]=> NULL ["price"]=> float(114450) ["primary_price"]=> string(13) "1200.00623568" ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) ["compare_price"]=> float(0) ["count"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["available"]=> string(1) "1" ["stock_base_ratio"]=> NULL ["order_count_min"]=> NULL ["order_count_step"]=> NULL ["status"]=> string(1) "1" ["dimension_id"]=> NULL ["file_name"]=> string(0) "" ["file_size"]=> string(1) "0" ["file_description"]=> NULL ["virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["ymleasyimport_price_id"]=> NULL ["id_xmlimport"]=> NULL ["stock"]=> array(2) { [1]=> string(5) "0.000" [3]=> string(5) "0.000" } ["unconverted_currency"]=> string(3) "USD" ["currency"]=> string(3) "RUB" ["frontend_price"]=> float(114450) ["unconverted_price"]=> float(1200) ["frontend_compare_price"]=> float(0) ["unconverted_compare_price"]=> float(0) }
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Каталожный номер: sf_10gbase-lr
10GBASE-LR, XENPAK Module, 1310nm Wavelength, up to 10km reach, Single-mode Fiber (SMF), SC Connector

Розничная цена
1200 $ с НДС 114450 с НДС
array(31) { ["id"]=> string(6) "105045" ["product_id"]=> string(6) "168613" ["id_1c"]=> NULL ["sku"]=> string(13) "sf_10gbase-lr" ["sort"]=> string(1) "1" ["name"]=> string(0) "" ["image_id"]=> NULL ["price"]=> float(114450) ["primary_price"]=> string(13) "1200.00623568" ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) ["compare_price"]=> float(0) ["count"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["available"]=> string(1) "1" ["stock_base_ratio"]=> NULL ["order_count_min"]=> NULL ["order_count_step"]=> NULL ["status"]=> string(1) "1" ["dimension_id"]=> NULL ["file_name"]=> string(0) "" ["file_size"]=> string(1) "0" ["file_description"]=> NULL ["virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["ymleasyimport_price_id"]=> NULL ["id_xmlimport"]=> NULL ["stock"]=> array(2) { [1]=> string(5) "0.000" [3]=> string(5) "0.000" } ["unconverted_currency"]=> string(3) "USD" ["currency"]=> string(3) "RUB" ["frontend_price"]=> float(114450) ["unconverted_price"]=> float(1200) ["frontend_compare_price"]=> float(0) ["unconverted_compare_price"]=> float(0) }
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Каталожный номер: sf_10gbase-sr
10GBASE-SR, 850nm Wavelength, up to 300 meter reach, Multi-mode Fiber (MMF), SC Connector, XENPAK Module

Розничная цена
1200 $ с НДС 114450 с НДС
array(31) { ["id"]=> string(6) "105047" ["product_id"]=> string(6) "168615" ["id_1c"]=> NULL ["sku"]=> string(13) "sf_10gbase-sr" ["sort"]=> string(1) "1" ["name"]=> string(0) "" ["image_id"]=> NULL ["price"]=> float(114450) ["primary_price"]=> string(13) "1200.00623568" ["purchase_price"]=> float(0) ["compare_price"]=> float(0) ["count"]=> string(5) "0.000" ["available"]=> string(1) "1" ["stock_base_ratio"]=> NULL ["order_count_min"]=> NULL ["order_count_step"]=> NULL ["status"]=> string(1) "1" ["dimension_id"]=> NULL ["file_name"]=> string(0) "" ["file_size"]=> string(1) "0" ["file_description"]=> NULL ["virtual"]=> string(1) "0" ["ymleasyimport_price_id"]=> NULL ["id_xmlimport"]=> NULL ["stock"]=> array(2) { [1]=> string(5) "0.000" [3]=> string(5) "0.000" } ["unconverted_currency"]=> string(3) "USD" ["currency"]=> string(3) "RUB" ["frontend_price"]=> float(114450) ["unconverted_price"]=> float(1200) ["frontend_compare_price"]=> float(0) ["unconverted_compare_price"]=> float(0) }
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ООО "Зипстор"
127282, Страна, Московская область, Москва, ул. Полярная, 33, стр. 3
+7 (800) 551-66-17