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Датчик уровня Float Switch LFL2-CK-U-PUR5-EMS Pepperl+Fuchs

Каталожный номер 262201
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93 $ с НДС
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9850 с НДС
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Electrical specifications
Contact loading250 V AC/3 A 150 V DC/0.25 A resistive load 60 V DC/1 A resistive load
Rated insulation voltage300 V
Pulse withstand voltage4 kV
Directive conformity
Low voltage
Directive 2014/35/EUEN 60947-5-1:2004 + Cor.:2005 + A1:2009
Degree of protectionIEC 60529:2001
Descriptionmicroswitch with switching ball, change-over contact
Function and system design
Equipment architectureThis device may be used with any sequential circuit, as long as the circuit can support the electrical circuit values of the switching elements.
Operating conditions
Installation conditions
Installation instructionsrange of application and minimum length between mounting and float:
&ge 100 mm (4 inch), preferred for fuels, heating oils, oily fluids
- The float switch is mounted either from sidewards through a cable gland &ge G1A into the vessel or
- by means of a counter weight or rods (e. g. float switch combination) from the top.
The pivot of the cable should always be horizontal.
Process conditions
Process pressure (static pressure)&le 3 bar (43.5 psi) at 20 °C (68 °F)
Density&ge 0.8 g/cm3
Ambient conditions
Ambient temperature5 ... 70 °C (41 ... 158 °F)
Storage temperature-25 ... 70 °C (-13 ... 158 °F)
Altitude&le 2000 m above MSL
Mechanical specifications
Degree of protectionIP68
Length5 m
Mechanical construction
Materialfloat: PP (Polypropylene)
cable: PUR, highly flexible (3 x 0.50 mm2)


Производитель Pepperl+Fuchs


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ООО "Зипстор"
127282, Страна, Московская область, Москва, ул. Полярная, 33, стр. 3
+7 (800) 551-66-17